I am the daughter of Angel and Darla. I live in an AU where Darla had twins. So it's me and my twin brother Connor. I also possess several powers. Telekinesis, I am a fire starter, I can blow things up by flicking my hand. And though I'm not a witch I am good at casting spells. Blog Warning: Spanking is in some chapters. Also some sexual content.

Monday, June 25, 2012
Missing moment from Alison Angel Chapter 1
There was a very clear line between good and Evil. And my whole life I had managed to stay away from it. Then one horrific day I towed that line. And then on another day I crossed it. When exactly had I changed from good to evil? I think it started the first time I tried to destroy the world. After I lost Connor and I thought he was gone forever. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know how to exist without him. He was my twin brother. He was always there in my head and in my heart. I could hear him my whole life. And then suddenly there was nothing. And he was gone. And I couldn't take it. I couldn't bare it. I had to make it stop. I remember thinking that the only way to make it stop was to end it all. I had been taught all my life to help the helpless. And now suddenly instead I was blaming them. I had convinced myself that though I had killed my brother I had done it because it was what I was taught to do. He was possessed by an evil being and I fought him to protect our friends. The others that were dear to us both. And then it happened. He was going to kill Garret and I stabbed him. He died there in front of me. In my arms. I was crushed. I went outside to find the host the man that had brought the evil being to the hotel. Once I found him the evil entity was nowhere in sight. I was angry. And so I killed the man in cold blood. He died a violent and messy death. I could see his blood dripping from my hair. Once I realized that I had just murdered an innocent man willingly I ran and ran until I collapsed on the ground. I stayed where I was for hours. Thinking. Crying. Screaming. Inside and out. Sitting on the ground of the woods I rocked back and forth and I came to a decision. My world had ended. And So I would now be the one to end their world. They had to die. It was the only way to make it stop. I wouldn't let anyone else be lost because we were helping the helpless. and So I would cast a spell to destroy humanity on the earth. But I also would cast a protection spell on the Hotel so that none of my friends that were human would be harmed. I cast the protection spell and went after Wesley's book I wrote down the spell and left flinging Garret aside when he tried to stop me.
A sacrifice was needed to cast the darkness spell. I broke into a weapon store and stole a machete and went to work. I slaughtered several innocent people butchering them mercilessly. Once they were dead I went to the mountain. And of course you know what happened after that. My father showed up along with Garret and Connor as well.
When I saw him alive the joy was overpowering. I flung myself at him and cried in his arms. I cried for what I had allowed myself to almost do. And because of the guilt from what I had done which I knew they could never find out about it. I feared what my father would do if he discovered what I had done. Would he kill me? Would he spank me? I had a hard time believing that he dole out a spanking harsh enough for what I had done to all those people. I didn't want him to know because I feared that he would never be able to forgive me. I would lose his love. And everyone else's. They would hate me for what I had done.
I had known it was wrong when I did it. But I was so angry that I didn't care.
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