

Monday, June 25, 2012

Alison Angel Chapter 1

Warning: Spankings of course.
Note: Fred did not become Illyria. Just as in my other stuff it is Faith that becomes Illyria.
Chapter one: Alison and Connor
It is said that twins are connected. Or linked. In supernatural ways. Some claim to be able to speak telepathically. Some think so much alike that they can say the same thing at the same time without planning it. Twins are close. So close that its scary to some people. Mostly twins are of the same sex. But sometimes...Just sometimes. They are of the opposite sex. Like Connor and Alison.
Connor and Alison are the twins children of Darla and Angel. Who by the way...are vampires. Both of which have souls. Darla didn't get her soul until after she got pregnant and then after they were cut out of her Darla was rewarded and got a soul of her own. Not long after the birth Alison was discovered to have special supernatural powers. The first was the power to start fires with her mind. She set Wesley's desk on fire the day she was born burning the prophecy that Wesley had been trying to translate before he had a chance to translate it. Perhaps it was an accident. Or maybe a coincidence. Or maybe it was fate. Or luck. Or maybe it was just Alison.
Over the first four years things were pretty calm and the most problems they had were with vampires and that or course wasn't much trouble. The occasional demon would surface and be destroyed as well. Holtz of course was destroyed before he even made an attempt to attack the hotel. And at the age of two Alison's second power was discovered. She wanted her toy from across the room and reached for it from her small bed and just before Angel could get up to get it for her it floated over to her and she smiled and giggled and then looked up at her daddy as if she was now busted. Which of course she was. "Okay so we can add telekinetic to the supernatural list of powers that you have. Just great. You are gonna be a hand full aren't you." Angel smirked and she gave him her most innocent smile.
A year later Connor and Alison were pretty good at talking. And by the time they were four they could speak in whole sentences.
One morning at breakfast Alison and Connor were eating and Alison instead of eating her toast tore off the crust into small peaces then when she saw no one looking and knew everyone was eating she began to put it in her nose because she thought it might taste better if she ate it through her nose.
Darla happened to look up and she gasped which caused everyone to look up at her "Ali what are you doing?" Darla asked getting up from her seat and went over to Alison's chair as Alison said "Eating crust through my nose mommy." she said happily.
Angel fought a smirk as Darla tilted their daughters head back and said in a whiny voice "Don't." and then after making sure she got all the crust out of her nose she threw the bread away and sat down shaking her head at her daughter and now she too was fighting a smile.
But our story really starts after the twins turned 7.
Now during the first six years the twins hadn't really been spanked. They had been swatted when they crossed the line and they had also had corner time and time out time of course. But at age 7 the twins earned their first real punishment. Together.
Alison had been told from the age of 5 that she wasn't to use her powers unless she was given permission. And normally she did as she was told and so did Connor.
But today Connor wanted to play ball and Alison at first didn't want to play.
"Come on. It'll be fun." Connor urged.
Alison sighed "Okay." she gave in not really able to say No to Connor. Anymore then he could say it to her.
She got up and at first they just sat on the floor and rolled the ball in the room. Their door was open as always and Darla happened to walk by and see then rolling the ball on the floor.
"Hey." she said sticking her head in the door with a smile "What are you two doing in here?" she asked.
"Playing ball mama." Alison said passing the ball to Connor.
"Honey don't roll the ball in the house." Darla said.
"But mom we're just rolling it back and forth." Connor whined.
"Yeah now. But I know you two. And pretty soon rolling it will turn into tossing it and tossing it will progress into throwing it and then throwing it will progress into you two breaking something and that will progress into daddy giving you both a spanking. So lets just not roll the ball okay?" Darla suggested and then they put the ball away and she walked off figuring that they would find something else to play with.
Alison however no longer wanted to play with anything else. She wanted to play with the ball. So she got it back out.
"Come on. We'll be quiet and careful." Alison said and this time they remained standing and tossed the ball back and forth. They paused for a moment having the same thought. "I'll get them." Alison said and then ran to Alana's room Alana was the daughter of Fred and Gunn and Alison wanted to ask her to join them in playing their game of ball and Alana agreed. And then Alison went to convince Garrett who was the son of Wesley and Illyria and Garret willingly agreed. Alison then went to Garrett's twin sister Ava who was harder to convince but eventually she agreed too and soon there was 5 kids in Connor and Alison''s room tossing the ball back and forth. This went on for about ten minutes when Gunn saw all the kids he peaked in to see what they were doing "Hey what are you guys up to?" he asked then saw the ball "Uh oh. Well this is a disaster waiting to happen. Come on guys. Let's put the ball up and find something else to do okay?" Gunn suggested knowing exactly where this was going to lead if it kept going.
"Party pooper." Alison whined pitifully and put the ball down.
Gunn smirked "Just trying to save your butts is all." Gunn informed and walked back downstairs where he had been headed.
"He's gone." Connor said as they heard Gunn now downstairs.
Alison picked up the ball and Garret tried to be the voice of reason "Maybe we should stop."
"No!" Alison snapped angrily. A pencil then flew across the room and she gasped "Oops." she said then took a breath to calm herself.
They all seemed to forget about Ali using her powers and began to toss the ball.
Then even though they didn't intend to they began to throw it back and forth between all of them.
Laughing when the ball was missed and someone had to chase after it.
They threw the ball around for about an hour unnoticed by anyone then Wesley came up and caught.
"Hey dad." Garret greeted nervously.
"Hello Garret. May I ask why you are all in here playing ball in the house? Especially since you all know what a bad idea that is?" Wesley quizzed.
"We're being careful." Ava informed him.
"Yes of course. But even when your careful accidents can still happen." Wesley said then added "Put it away and find something else to do." Wesley said putting his hands in his pockets and they put the ball away until he walked downstairs. Once downstairs Wesley informed everyone that the children had been playing ball in the house. At which point Gunn got upset saying that over an hour ago he had told then to stop playing. And then Darla jumped in saying that she too had told then to stop playing with the ball but that it had only been Connor and Alison playing when she told them to stop.
Angel went up the stairs with Wesley and Gunn right behind him.
The ball was instantly dropped as Angel walked in the room but they were already busted and they knew it.
Angel looked sternly at the children "You were told to stop playing ball and to find something else to do. Wanna tell me why you chose to play ball after being told more then once that you were to stop?" Angel asked.
Alison put her hands behind her back not sure what to say. Connor did the same thing.
Alana seemed to be the first one able to find her voice "We didn't hurt anything Uncle Angel. We were just playing ball." she said.
"Uh uh. Don't even go there." Gunn scolded "The point is that we told you to stop. Now why didn't you?" Gunn asked.
"But she is correct. We did not harm anything. We were merely playing. It is what children are suppose to do." Ava said she was more like her mother Illyria when it came to her brain. But she was also human and had a heart like her fathers.
"Yeah but you were told to stop playing ball. Three times. Okay fine only Connor and Alison has heard it three times. But the rest of you heard it twice. After hearing it once you knew continuing to play was wrong. So why did you keep playing?" Angel asked wanting an answer.
"It's not their fault! We asked then to play with us. We were having fun. Why do you have to ruin it? We weren't gonna break anything! You worry too much." Connor said angrily and with more attitude then Angel was willing to accept right now.
"Okay this discussion is over." Angel said.
Gunn went over to take his daughters hand and lead her to her room.
"Garrett. Ava go to your rooms and wait for me." Wesley said and his children did as they were told knowing not to make it worse. Wesley left the room shutting the door so that Angel was now alone with his children.
Angel tried again to be reasonable "Okay lets try this again. Why did you play with the ball after you were told to stop?" Angel asked.
"It was fun." Alison said honestly then added "And we knew we wouldn't break anything."
"And how did you know you wouldn't break anything? Do you gain the talent of seeing the future and not tell me?" Angel asked.
"No." Alison said knowing that if she was suppose to say something if she thought she had gained another power. She had not had a vision but she figured they wouldn't break anything. And they hadn't!
"We still didn't break anything. I don't see what the big deal is." Connor said.
"The big deal is that you know better! When one of us gives you an order or tells you to do something or to stop doing something you listen and do as your told. You don't keep going because it's more fun then stopping. You listen because you know that if you don't listen then you'll get in trouble. And since you didn't listen... Guess what?...Your in trouble now." Angel said as he sat down on the bed.
"Connor your first." Angel said.
"Why am I always first?" Connor whined.
"Because you came out first." Angel answered.
Well that was true. Connor had come out first.
"I'll go first." Alison volunteered trying to give her brother a break.
"No. I said Connor was going first. Connor come here." Angel said.
Connor slowly went over to his father and was a little surprised when his dad pulled him over his knee and swatted the seat of his pants hard 10 times. Connor had tears in his eyes when Angel put him back on his feet.
"Your turn." Angel said simply turning to Alison now.
She went over and got her ten swats as well. He set her back on her feet with tears in her eyes too.
Suddenly her sadness turned to anger. "Your not being fair." she said.
"How am I not being fair?" Angel asked.
The room seemed to get warm and then a picture frame flew across the room and slammed into the other wall and several pens floated into the air and poised and ready and they flew into the wall and were now embedded there. Angel had followed each item with his eyes and then he grabbed Alison placing her back over his knee "That's enough of that young lady!" he yelled and then pulled her pants and underwear down and began to smack her bare bottom. She immediately stopped using her powers and began to cry at first it was out of shock but then it was because of her sharply stinging backside as her father continued to spank her.
"You do NOT use your powers unless I give you permission. You know that! I don't ever wanna see that again. You WILL control yourself or I will spank your bare bottom until you learn some control. Do you understand me little girl?" Angel demanded not stopping the spanking until her bottom was red and she was seriously crying.
Connor was mad that his dad had spanked Ali so hard. He of course didn't understand the danger that came with Ali's power.
Angel stopped spanking and then he flipped her over and held her til she had calmed down some.
He then let her up and helped her put her pants back on. Then he hugged her again "Shh. Daddy loves you honey but you have to stop and think. You can't let yourself lose control. You can't allow yourself the luxury of losing your temper. It's too dangerous." Angel said.
She nodded her head in understanding. "I know. I'm sorry daddy." Ali said which pulled at the vampires heart strings then he looked over at his son "Are we going to have a problem Connor?" Angel asked Connor shook his head no and then came over to hug his dad too and Angel hugged him back.
6 years later.
When Alison was 13 years old she killed someone for the first time. Killing demons in one thing and acceptable. But killing a human was different. Here's what happened.
They were out patrolling. Alison and Connor and Garret were allowed to go too. Fred stayed home with Ava and Alana.
There was a nest of vampires and they had just gotten done dusting them all when suddenly a man came out of nowhere snatching Alison away from where she walked at the end of the group so when she was taken no one noticed.
Well almost no one. Connor didn't have to see it. He felt it. Alison wasn't there behind him anymore.
"Alison." Connor panicked and turned around and saw that he had been right. Angel and the gang stopped and then they began to track Alison.
Alison was slammed again the wall by the guy that thought she was just a little girl. He threw her on the ground and pinned her there with his body and he began to touch her all over her body. She wasn't able to scream because his mouth covered hers and tears filled her eyes. She didn't know what to do. At first she thought that maybe he was a human but then she began to think that maybe he was a vampire.
There was a steak in her jacket pocket if she could reach it. The man began to wonder underneath her skirt and she felt his hands on her thighs and getting closer to her privet place that they had no right to be touching. She used her powers to throw him against the wall she quickly jumped up and pulled out the steak.
Angel knew they were getting closer to the trail and then Connor took off running and Angel knowing that Connor felt Ali he followed they arrived just in time they rounded the corner and what they saw shocked them .
Alison plunged the steak into the man's check and then yanked it out and then her eyes filled with horror when he didn't burst into dust which meant that he was human. However he would now die because of the wound. It was fatal weather you were a vampire or not.
She wasn't sure what to think though. She was too young to know that he had been trying to rape her. But she knew that she had just killed a human and that was wrong.
The human died and Alison exhausted beyond belief fainted.
Angel picked her up and carried her to the hotel with the others following and wondering what had happened. Angel put her on the couch.
"What the hell happened? She knows not to do anything until they show their demon face. Why would she think he was a vampire?" Darla asked confused because her daughter didn't usually make those kind of mistakes.
Angel sat down sadly "I can't believe she killed somebody."
Connor got defensive. "Stop it. She was uncomfortable. He was making her feel...trapped. She was repulsed." Connor said.
"By what?" Darla asked.
"Him!" Connor said.
"Why?" Darla asked.
"He was..." Connor tried to think about how to explain it.
"His hands. All over her. In places they shouldn't have been. She was scared. She thought he was evil. She stopped him so that he couldn't touch her anymore." Connor said looking over at his sister still sleeping.
"Why was he touching her? "Connor asked.
Darla felt sick.
Angel wanted to be sure "Connor where was he touching her? Could you feel it?" he asked knowing that sometimes Connor could feel what Alison felt. As if it was being done to him.
Connor touched his own chest "Here." he said then reached down to his thighs "Here." he said his voice getting rough now. His hands went higher and then stopped "Here. He got no further." Connor said then he crossed his arms and regained his composure.
Angel closed his eyes to the image of his helpless little girl about to be raped. But she hadn't been raped. She had killed the man before he was able to finish it.
She had killed the man because he was trying to rape her. But did that make it right? Or justified?
Angel wasn't sure. His first thought was that the bastard deserved to die if he had been trying to rape her. But his second thought was that it wasn't their job to punish the guilty. Or at least not the humans that were guilty. It may not have been justified. But at least it was acceptable. Angel could forgive it because it was self defense. But he would have to make sure that she understood that there would be no more killing humans. No matter what they were doing. She could get away or she could use her powers in order to get away. But she wasn't allowed to kill them. Angel explained all that when she woke up.
A year later Drusilla came to town and Alison was captured by her. Angel and Darla spent a long time tracking her.
Alison had gotten free from the rope Drusilla had tied her with. "naughty kitty." Drusilla scolded coming towards her.
Alison attacked and in only moments she had a steak inches from Drusilla's heart.
"Don't dust the bunny." Drusilla whined in a playful voice as she changed back to her human face.
Alison grabbed her by the throat and was about to plunge the steak into her heart when suddenly her mind was assaulted with images from Drusilla's head. Images of Angelus. Touching Drusilla. Raping her. Beating her. Breaking her. It lasted for a long time. And when it ended Alison could only see the victim that Drusilla had once been. So instead of dusting her she made her a deal. "If you swear to leave and never come back. I won't dust you. But you must leave now." Alison said getting off of her.
Drusilla looked at her and then giggled and left.
Alison went down on her knees steak clutched in her hand angry tears filled her eyes. She didn't know who she was angry at. She knew she should have dusted Drusilla. But she didn't want to.
Angel found her an hour later "Are you okay honey? Where's Drusilla?" Angel asked.
Ali looked up at him and she knew she couldn't tell him the truth. So she lied "I dusted her. I'm sorry daddy." she apologized.
He lifted her to her feet and hugged her "It's okay. You did the right thing." he said his hand began to rub her back and she cringed on the inside trying to tell herself that he wasn't Angelus.
That night she had a nightmare. She screamed in her sleep and Angel practically flew the distance from his room to hers when he heard the scream. Connor of course got to her first because he was right in the other bed across the room because at the time they still shared a room.
Alison just kept screaming. Connor tried to shake her away but when his dad entered Angel went over and he shook her roughly and she was startled away and then she cried and Angel pulled her into his arms rocking her back and forth thinking that she had had a nightmare about Drusilla coming after her.
Connor knew differently. What he didn't know was why was his sister suddenly having nightmare about Angelus? It had never happened before. They had never even met Angelus. Connor kept it to himself though and so did Alison. Angel sat on her bed as she fell asleep and he stayed there the rest of the night to make sure she didn't have anymore nightmares.
Angel and the gang never found out that Alison lied about dusting Drusilla.
Two years later
Buffy came to visit Angel and ask for his help with a new monster that showed up in her town. Angel agreed to come help.
Alison and Connor and the other kids refused to go and insisted that they could stay by themselves for the week that the gang would be gone.
After arguing about it with the kids and then arguing amongst themselves they came to an agreement.
"Okay fine. We're gonna give you a chance to prove that we can trust you here alone by yourselves. Now here's the ground rules. If something happens and you need our help you have to call us and tell us what's going on. Also you have to call us every night and tell us about your day and what you guys did. That way we know what's going on around here. And we expect you to be honest about reporting to us. And if we find out you broke any of the rules or if you don't call us every night then your butts are mine when we get back. Hear me?" Angel explained to all the kids. Normally the parents would spank their own kids but on occasion a parent spanked a child that wasn't theirs. The other parents were okay with this because it was just part of their parenting skills. And none of them had a problem with it. They loved all the kids as their own so it didn't matter who spanked who's kid. But most of the time it was the actual father of the child that spanked them.
"Yes sir." Garret answered respectfully.
"Garret what have I told you about calling me Sir?" Angel asked with a smirk.
"You want my respect. Not my fear. Don't call you Sir. I know I know." Garret caved with a sigh.
After all the hugs and kisses the parents finally left worrying madly about their kids.
Once the parents were gone things went pretty normal and there was no trouble that is until three days later.
Connor was possessed by an evil entity that was hellbent on destroying the world. It controlled his body making Connor fight with all of them and Alison knowing that it was an evil being inside her brother began to fight back. "You better get out of my brother's body you freak!" Ali yelled doing a spinning kick and began to really fight with the evil being.
It grabbed a sword "uh oh." Ali groaned and she dodged and ran for her father's sword and turned in time to block Connor's sword with her own and she kicked out at him trying to push him back and she went back in swinging and then Connor manged to cut her arm Garret came from behind and Connor turned and Alison seeing that Connor intended to stab Garret knew she had to stop him. She stabbed Connor from behind then after realizing she had just stabbed her brother she screamed and panicked.
Connor fell back Alison saw the evil entity leave his body and the hotel. Alison held onto Connor.
"Connor." Ali checked his pulse and Connor looked up at her "I'm sorry." Connor moaned out.
"NO. Connor hold on. Just hold on." Alison panicked and began to cry and Garret had tears in his eyes too just as Alana did and Ava thought of calling Angel and the gang.
"Can't/ I love you Ali." Connor gasped out and then he took his last breath and Alison screamed again.
"NO!" Ali screamed gathering Connor closer into her arms "I'm sorry Connor. I'm so sorry." she cried lost and not knowing what else to say to him. She had killed him. Her own brother. Her twin. One of the most important people in this world to her. She had killed him.
The pain from losing Connor began to make the rage in her grow. And it grew until the rage was more powerful then the grief. She laid Connor down and she stood up. That thing had come from another human. The man had come in asking for help and then something had come out of him and he had run and then the thing had gone into Connor. Alison got up and went looking for the man hoping that the evil entity had gone back to it's host.
Alana watched Ali leave and she was scared and worried "What are we gonna do?" she asked.
"We must call Angel. He must be told." Ava said as she went over to the phone. Her brother got in her way stopping her "No! Ava we can't tell Angel something like that over the phone. There must be some way to fix this. Use your powers. Go to the oracles and ask if this can be fixed. There might be a way to reverse this. We have to at least try. Before we go and tell Angel that Connor is dead." Garret said looking her in the eye. Ava nodded and then left using a portal because it was faster. Or at least according to her it was faster.
Alana sat next to Connor's body not wanting to leave him alone weather he was dead or not.
Garret understood and he too wanted to stay with his friend.
That night when the phone rang and Garret saw that it was Angel he didn't answer. When the machine picked up Angel hung up and called again.
The phone rang a second time and again Garret didn't answer. This time there was a message left "We been gone only three days and already you guys are breaking the rules? If someone is there then they better pick up. I'll call one more time and then we're gonna start calling cell phones." Angel hung up.
The third time there was still no answer.
Garret and Alana just couldn't answer the phone. First of all Connor was still dead. Second of all Ava hadn't returned and third of all they had no freaking clue where Ali had gone.
Connor's cell phone rang and Alana cracked. She answered the phone "Hello." she answered.
Angel raised his brow "Alana? Why are on Connor's phone?" he asked calmly in the same room as everyone else.
Gunn was suspicious of that too.
"Connor's sleeping." Alana stated nervously.
"I didn't ask you what Connor was doing. I asked why you were on his phone and by the way...I can tell when your lying to me." Angel said knowing that it was a lie.
"I'm not lying. He is sleeping." Alana insisted.
"Right. He went to sleep before 9 o' clock which by the way he hasn't done sine he was 9 years old. Yeah. Right. I'm really believing that Alana." Angel said sarcastically.
"He is asleep I swear! Everyone's asleep except for me and Garret." Alana vowed.
Angel snorted "Okay now I know your lying. Not only is there no way that Connor is asleep. There's definitely no way that everyone went to sleep and only you and Garret are awake. You better stop lying to me. Now what the hell is going on?" Angel asked sternly ignoring the grin on Gunn's face at his daughters foolishness.
Alana hung up on him. "We're dead. We're so dead. Correction. We're beyond dead!" Alana said seeing as she had just hung up on Angel.
Hearing the dead line Angel pulled the phone away from his ear. "Oh you did not just hang up on me." Angel stated to the phone.
Gunn lost his smile "Excuse me? She hung up on you?" Gunn asked then looked over at Fred "What is wrong with that kid? First she tells an obvious lie and then refuses to admit that it's a lie. And now she hangs up on you. Something is definitely wrong here." Gunn said turning back to Angel.
Angel called Alana phone this time and got voice mail and the scowled "She turned her phone off!" he said then tried calling every phone.
Ava who was in another dimension trying to talk her way past a witch froze the witch to answer her phone.
"I am busy now." she informed the caller.
"Busy doing what?" Wesley asked his daughter the phone was on speaker so that everyone could hear it.
"That is not your concern at the moment. I am fixing something." Ava said
"Fixing something? What broke?" Wesley asked now everyone was wondering if the kids had ruined or broken something that they shouldn't have been messing with.
"Father I must go. The signal from the phone may be lost in this dimension." Ava informed in case she lost the signal.
That grabbed everyone's attention.
"Hang on a minute. Your in another dimension?" Wesley asked.
"I..." She wasn't sure if she should answer that now that she was thinking about it. Her father wouldn't be happy about this.
"Ava Michelle Answer me!" Wesley raised his voice.
"Yes. Father. I am." she said truthfully.
"Why?" Wesley demanded.
"I told you I am fixing something." Ava said.
"And how many times have I warned you about opening portals and traveling to other dimensions?" Wesley asked sternly.
"More times then I can count father. Why?" Ava asked.
"Where exactly are you?" Wesley asked.
"I told you. I am in another dimension and I must manipulate the witch so I can cross the bridge into the forest of despair so that I may speak with the oracles of the red eye." Ava informed which made no sense to anyone except for maybe her and Illyria.
Wesley gave the phone a strange look clearly saying that was not from the mouth of his child and then spoke again "you will come back to this dimension now!" he said.
"I will. Once I have finished here. But not before. I am sorry father." Ava said and then hung up on him and shut her phone off and unfroze the witch and began to chant a spell that would make the witch listen to her.
"Well this is getting less funny by the second." Darla stated dryly the kids were definitely in trouble and they were getting themselves even further into trouble by not saying anything.
Angel put his phone on speaker and tried to call Alison. Her phone seemed to be off too.
Wesley then did the same and tried to call Garret's cell phone.
Garret didn't quite have the guts to ignore his father calling his cell phone.
"Hello." he answered unenthused.
"Hello. Would you care to tell me why your sister in apparently in another dimension trying to fix something that has gone wrong there?" Wesley asked.
"Uh. No?" Garret said in a questioning tone.
"No wasn't an option Garret. What's going on? I want to know right now!" Wesley said sternly.
Garret gulped.
He could almost see his father getting upset and putting a hand on his hip in his frustration the same way Angel often did.
"Trust me dad...This isn't the kind of thing I can tell you over the phone. It's bad. Dad. Really bad." Garret said tears pricked his eyes again as he looked at Connor's body.
Wesley and the others could hear the tears in his voice. The boy was very upset. Something was terribly wrong.
"Garret where's Alison?" Wesley asked curious.
Garret's tears spilled over "I don't know! I haven't seen or heard from her in hours." Garret cried.
Wesley looked over at Angel who was now a little worried about where Alison might be.
"Alright. So Alison is missing?" Wesley asked.
"Yes." Garret answered.
"Where's Connor? Is he looking for her?" Wesley asked.
Garret tried to hold back some tears "Dad... I can't. Okay. I just can't..." he cried not ready to talk about anything to do with Connor yet.
Angel took the phone "Garret your scaring me. Why are you crying? Where's Connor?" Angel asked nervous.
"I'm sorry. I can't." Garret cried.
"You can't what? What can't you do? Garret talk to us. What's going on? What happened?" Angel asked then as if he had read Garret's mind Angel suddenly realized what was wrong.
"Garret. Where's Connor?" Angel asked wanting to know if he was right.
Garret didn't answer he just continued to cry. "Garret where is he?" Angel demanded.
"He's gone! Alright. He's gone!" Garret yelled.
Angel tried to remain calm. Because those two words had two meanings.
"What do you mean he's gone? Did he go somewhere? Or did...did something happen to him?" Angel asked.
Darla was suddenly very close to Angel.
"I can't!" Garret declared. He wouldn't tell then that Connor was dead. "Not like this. Not over the phone." Garret cried.
"Oh god." Darla gasped and tears were in her eyes. That could only mean one thing. And they all knew it. Connor was dead. That was the only way to explain what was happening.
Garret heard a scream from outside the hotel door and then Alison walked in she had blood in her hair.
"Oh my god. Alison! What did you do!" Garret asked his tears instantly drying at the sight of her.
He didn't realize that everyone could still hear him.
They listened carefully.
Alison didn't say a word. She only went into Wesley office. "Ali what are you doing? Why are you going in dad's office? What is that? Ali what is that?" Garret asked as she now had a book in her hand.
"Alison wait. Where are you going? Alison don't go." Garret tried to stop her from leaving but he was flung across the room and he collided with the wall "Ah! Ali that hurt!" he yelled upset that she would use her powers on him and then she opened the book on the desk wrote down the spell on her arm and then left leaving the page open.
Garret went over to the book and then picked up the phone "Dad?" he asked wondering if they were still connected.
"I'm here. What did she take from my office?" Wesley asked.
"She took a staff looking thing and she wrote a spell from this book. She left the page open...oh god.." Garret gasped as he looked at the page.
"What? What spell is it?" Wesley asked.
"Oh god. Ali why?" Garret asked confused and lost.
"Why what? What spell is it?" Wesley asked.
"She's going to destroy the world." Garret said shocked.
There was silence met with that statement. All the gang looked at each other then they hung up the phone and got in their car along with Buffy to help stop Alison before she did something stupid. Like tried to destroy the world.
It was almost morning when they arrived at the hotel and Ava landed right in front of them from an open portal before they made it to the door.
"Whoa." she said shocked not expecting to see them here.
"Are you just now getting back?" Wesley asked and even though he would be displeased she told him the truth "yes. But I can save him now." she said turning to enter the hotel the gang followed her and what they saw broke their hearts.
Garret had fallen asleep on the couch and was curled up as if he was freezing. And Alana had fallen asleep near Connor refusing to leave him.
Angel only had to smell the air to know that his son was dead. Had been dead for a long time.
Ava went over pulling out a glowing red bead looking thing and it floated into Connor's chest his heart immediately began to beat again and he opened his eyes now alive and Ava put her hand over the wound and began to heal him with a spell she had won while in one of the 6 dimensions she had traveled to.
Once healed Connor sat up and looked around. Ava helped him stand up.
She turned to them "he is fine now." she said.
"Great. Thank you." Angel said and meant it. "Now what the hell happened?" Angel demanded.
"Connor was possessed by an evil being. It entered Connor after leaving it's host. Then it used Connor to attack us and before Connor could kill Garret Alison plunged a sword into him in order to stop him from hurting Garret. It was not Connor but Connor would have hated himself if anything had happened to Garret because of him. Alison blamed herself for Connor's death and ran to find the host and the evil being which left Connor's body once Connor was fatally wounded. I traveled to 6 dimensions hunting and searching and doing what I had to do to get what I needed to help bring Connor back. I have just returned from that mission." Ava explained.
"Great. That's just great. Now we're gonna have to cleanse her again!" Angel growled.
Buffy suddenly saw it getting dark outside. "Uh. Angel!" she called and Angel turned and saw that it was getting dark outside.
"Oh. That's not good." Angel said since it was early in the morning.
"What in the world could be causing that?" Connor asked.
"Alison. It's part of the spell. The sky darkens. She's doing it now. We have to find her before she gets to the caves. There not far out of LA." Wesley said.
"I'll go ahead and hold her off if I can." Buffy said and ran out the door.
"What spell?" Connor asked completely lost now.
"Your sister apparently decided that when you died she was going to destroy the world." Fred said
Connor paled. Ali was trying to destroy the world? But wait..."But I'm not dead anymore!" Connor said.
"Yeah. But she doesn't know that." Angel said Leary about going outside even though it was dark now.
Oh crap. He was right.
Garret happened to wake up while Ava had been explaining everything to Angel and the gang. He sat up now. When Alana woke up after Buffy left she was shocked to see Connor alive "Connor!" she squealed happily and hugged him. He hugged her back.
When she let go she sighed "Well I guess the crisis is averted."
"Actually the crisis only got ten times worse." Garret said standing up.
"How?" Alana asked confused.
"Alison has decided to destroy the world because she is filled with rage at herself for killing Connor." Garret said.
"But Connor's alive." Alana said.
"Alison does not know that." Ava said repeating Angel's earlier words.
"Well sun or not I am going after her." Angel said heading out the door. Gunn and Fred and Wesley decided to stay there.
Garret insisted on going and so did Connor. Both of them headed out and followed Angel.
On the way there Angel informed then "I hope you kids realize that you are all in very real trouble. In fact as soon as this is all over I am pulling you all into my office and one by one you are all going over my knee for the worst spankings of your life." Angel said as he kept walking.
The boys cringed and Connor was confused "wait what did I do?" he asked.
Angel thought about that one the kid had a point. He hadn't really done anything to earn it. "Okay fine. Connor your off the hook. This time. But Garret you didn't answer the phone and you didn't tell us what was going on. Alana hung up on me and lied to me. Alison has completely lost control. And Ava went jumping through 6 dimensions doing god knows what and put herself in all kinds of danger. Granted she saved Connor's life but she still knows not to go jumping through portals and wondering around in other dimensions. And I think that about covers it." Angel said nearing the caves and then he went through caves and saw that they led to a set of cliffs.
Alison had just flung Buffy off of the cliff and Buffy landed unharmed in the water.
Alison raised both her arms and began to chant the spell Garret charged stepping between her and the statue she was facing. "Alison stop. You don't want to do this." Garret said.
"Yes I do." she said and flung him away using her powers.
Angel went over to make sure he was okay but Garret just got back up Angel stopped him "Stay here." he said.
Angel went over signaling for Connor to get behind her. While he got in front of her.
"Alison..." Angel said now looking at her and he was shocked when he saw her pupils extremely dilated. He could see the black of her eyes. She really WAS filled with rage.
He took a step towards her and she swept her hand through the air causing a scratch on his chest. That surprised him. But he took another step "Alison stop. Don't do this. Your a good person." Angel said.
She scratched him again "You don't know anything about me dad!" she shouted angrily.
"I know everything Alison. I was there when you were born. I was there when you took your first breath. Your first step. I was there when you said your first word. I was there when you first laughed. When you first cried. I know everything about you. I know that you hate milk unless it's with cereal. I know you hate green beans and you love carrots unless there cooked. Your favorite thing to do when you were little was to color. Or to spin around. And no matter how many times you spin around you never got dizzy. You used to beg me to spin you around and I'd do it for ten minutes straight and you'd still not get dizzy or even throw up. You are sensitive to the cold and tend to get cold even when it's not all that cold outside. You only go outside at night when we patrol because your more of an indoor girl. Even now a lot of things are the same as they were when you were little. Your still the same girl. Your my little girl. Alison your a good person. And if anyone knows's me." Angel said.
Alison smirked "Is that the master plan? Your gonna stop me by telling me that you love me?" she asked.
Angel was serious and wasn't backing down. "I don't wanna stop you Alison. I wanna save you."
"Save me? From what?" Ali asked.
"From yourself. Show me that you trust me. Do me a favor. Turn around and look." Angel said
Alison rolled her eyes but for some reason something inside her made her turn around and her eyes widened and she saw Connor standing right there.
"I love you." Connor said and then she cried falling into his arms and he held onto her "I'm sorry. You did the right thing. Ava is right. I would have hated myself if I had hurt Garret. Ali he's one of my best friends. And you knew that. That's why you couldn't let me hurt him. You did the right thing." Connor said then added "I would have done the same if I had to." he said though he wasn't sure that he actually could have done it. Could he have killed her if there places were reversed? He wasn't sure.
Once Ali was calm her eyes were back to normal and she went over to her dad now seeing his scratched chest "I'm sorry daddy. I didn't mean to hurt you." she said.
"Don't give me that. You did mean to do it. But that's okay. You were filled with rage. I get it. That's why I had to stop you before you started the spell. Not that that's an excuse. But it makes it forgivable. But just cause it's forgivable doesn't mean that that's gonna save your little butt. Cause you are really in for it little girl." Angel growled his temper coming back.
Ali paled "I know." she groaned unhappily. She had tried to destroy the world. She was so going to regret that.
They went home and filled everyone in and then Buffy left going back to her own town after saying she wasn't angry about any of it. Even though she was.
Gunn sent Alana to her room to wait for him to come and deal with her.
Wesley sent Garret to his room for the same reason.
Angel sent Ava to her room saying the same thing.
He then sent Connor to his room meaning that Angel would deal with Alison first. Then Ava. Wesley would deal with Garret. And Gunn would deal with Alana.
The main reason Angel was going to deal with Ava was because Wesley usually had to work twice as hard spanking her to get the message through and Illyria had never laid a hand on the children and vowed that she would never do so. Same as Fred had. Darla didn't seem to have the heart to do it either.
Connor wasn't in trouble.
Angel sent Alison to his office and then he let her wait there for ten minutes before going in and sitting behind his desk to begin the lecture.

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