

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Alison Angel Chapter 6

Alison Angel


Last time: Alison had an evil baby that tried to kill Connor. Alison gave the baby to the father and told Angel that the baby had tried to kill her and that she threw it into the river.

This time: Alison's lie is discovered as the dark child has returned and has one purpose........To destroy the only threat that exists to her. ...The only one that could destroy her. Makayla has come back for Connor's blood.

Chapter 6 : The dark daughter returns

Two months later:


Okay I gotta admit that I was a little depressed there for a while. Losing Makayla upset me. But it wasn't like she was really dead so that was a comfort to me.
Ava was still on edge even after being told that Makayla was dead.

At that moment the hotel got a phone call.

Fred answered the phone and the rest of us just listened in.

“Oh gosh.” Fred said “Can you describe it?” Fred asked grabbing a paper and wrote down some stuff. Then a strange look came to her face. “Okay. Take a look at it.” Fred promised and then hung up the phone.

“What is it?” dad asked her.

“That was East Side Elementary school. They found the body of a dead 12 year old girl in the janitors closet the body itself was naked but there's no signs of rape or anything. Her heart just stopped working and......” Fred paused glancing at me.

“What?” I asked confused. She looked back at my dad “Half of the child's body had third degree burns.” Fred said.

Oh. Crap! Hey wait! I didn't do it!! “I didn't do it!!” I said wanting to make sure they knew that.

Fred gave me a gentle look “Honey I know you didn't do it. We'd have known if you had left the hotel at 7 in the morning. Plus you don't use your powers unless we tell you to. So I know it wasn't you. I only looked at you cause you have the same power that this demon has. They're sending the security tapes from this morning to our web site and I said that we would take a look. We might be able to tell what did this.” Fred said pulling up the laptop and then moments later she had the tapes playing.
And we all gathered around to watch as first several kids came charging through the halls going to class.
Then there was a girl that came in late. Then there was a portal that formed behind the girl and another girl came out of the portal. Portal girl was naked. Instantly her hair had blue streaks. Whatever came out of that portal could shape shift and look however she wanted to look. However now she was behind the girl and we couldn't see the things face yet. Then It showed a different angle of the camera and we saw the girl. And everyone gasped and Fred paused the tape as we all looked at Ava who's mouth was hanging open in outrage.
“Okay why does the evil thingy from the portal look like Ava when she was 12 years old?” Connor asked.

“It shape shifted to look like her. But why? And why when she was 12 years old?” Wesley asked.
“Maybe because it's 12 years old and so it can't age itself. But wouldn't it have had to see Ava in order to know what she looks like and shape shift into her?” Fred asked.

“It is not me!” Ava said angrily.

“We know that.” I told her trying to calm her down.

“That thing is framing me!” Ava said.

Oh. well she had a point. If this thing killed that girl with Ava's face then Ava would seem like the killer.

We played the tape and watched the Ava poser take the girl into the closet and then there was no screams or anything. Then the door opened again and the girl was wearing the victims clothes.

“Okay wait she killed her just because she wanted her clothes?” I scoffed at that.

Then the thing shape shifted again. It wasn't 12 year old Ava anymore.

No. Now it was 12 year old ME!!!

okay what are the odds that this thing could have seen both me and Ava?

I could believe that maybe Ava had traveled to this things dimension and that that's how it had seen her cause Ava sometimes went to other dimensions. But me? I never went to another dimension. So how could it have also seen me? Unless..............
I took another look at her as Fred had paused the screen again.

“Okay now she look like Ali? Wait a minute there’s no way this thing could have seen both of them. Ava goes to other dimensions so maybe it could have seen Ava. But there's no way that it could have seen Ali.” Connor said what probably everyone but me was thinking.
I now had an idea of how the girl could have seen us both. Maybe it had seen us at birth.
Was this my daughter? Is that why she seemed to look exactly like me when I was 12? Could she have aged that much in such a short time?

“Okay so now we're tracking something that has Alison's face. Just great.” Dad said and I could see where he was going with this.

I felt a sudden desire to go to the basement. I looked around and then I snuck away while everyone watched the tape a second time.

I made my way down the stairs the door closed behind me and locked and it wasn't me that did it. But I kept going down the stairs until I made it to the floor.

I saw her then. In the cage. We had the cage just in case....Well just in case one night dad got too happy and we had to knock him out and put him in there so that we could put his soul back.
She was beautiful. And she looked just like me. Long brown hair blue eyes and she had a happy look on her face. A smile. She was still wearing the other girls dress. It was a pink sundress with small daisy's all over it and pink sandals to match.

“Makayla?” I asked wanting to be sure.

She smiled brightly at me “Let me out mommy.”

Mommy? Wow. That was new. Wait. “Why can't you let yourself out?” I asked.

“Because....I want you to do it.” Makayla said.

I grabbed the keys and let her out of the cage.

She instantly hugged me. I was a little surprised but I hugged her back and ran my fingers through her hair lovingly. I could feel my maternal instincts coming back. But it was obvious to me now that she was evil. But maybe I could change her. Maybe I could make her good.
If I could use my powers for good then so could she. Someone just had to tell her and teach her.
She could be good like me. She just had to want it bad enough.

Then I separated us and made her look me in the eye “I know you killed that girl for her clothes. You can't do that anymore. Okay?” I asked trying to make her understand.

“Can't do what anymore?” she asked.

“Killing. You can't kill anymore.” I said.

“Why not?” she asked.

“Because it's not right. You can't hurt innocent people.” I said.

“Does it hurt you?” She asked.

I thought about that. “Yes. It hurt me to see you hurting people. Because I know you can be better. I don't want anything to happen to you. I don't want to fight you.” I said running my hand down her cheek and she leaned her head into it a smile on her face again.

“Okay. I won't kill anymore.” She promised and I was relieved and thought that maybe I had saved her.

But would they accept that?

I heard my father at the basement door and then he pounded on it “Alison open the door.” He yelled.

I panicked slightly. Then Ava must have used her own powers to unlock the door and Dad Ava mom Connor Wesley and Gunn came down the stairs probably thinking that I was in danger.

They stopped as they saw Makayla and then I instinctively placed her behind me “Wait!” I said holding out my hand “Just wait.” I begged.

They stayed where they were. “It's here. Ali you should have told us.” Connor said.

Ava stiffened when she looked at Makayla.

“What's wrong?” Wesley asked her.

Ava glared “Alison has lied.” Ava said angry then glared at Makayla “That thing is the dark child she gave birth too.”

Dad looked at me then looked at Makayla shocked. Then a hurt look crossed his face “You lied to me? You said she tried to kill you!” Dad got angry now.

“She didn't try to kill me! The portal came out of nowhere and he was there and he said he would take care of her. It was her father. I gave her to him. But I had to do something to make you think that she was dead. So I threw a rock into the river and made you think it was her. I didn't think she could come back. But she is back.” I explained.

Ava stepped forward “Step aside Alison. I am going to kill her this time.”

“NO!” I yelled.

“I will destroy you first.” Makayla said with a smile at Ava.

I looked back at her “NO! No more killing. We talking about this.” I reminded her gently then turned back to Ava “Just give her a chance to be good.” I said.

“That thing was already given a chance. It used that chance to try and kill Connor. It won't get another chance to hurt the ones that we love. Alison get out of the way or I swear I will fling you aside.” Ava vowed.

And I knew she was serious. She would use her powers on me if I didn't get out of the way.

“Alison move.” Dad growled warningly.

That made me mad. And gave me some courage back “Would you have moved?” I asked him knowingly. “If this child was me and everyone but you thought I was evil would have just moved away from me and let them kill me?” I asked already knowing the answer to that.

“No. but that's the problem Alison. That thing isn't you. Yes you had to same powers when you were a baby but you NEVER used them on anyone unless you sensed that they were bad. Everyone here knew about your powers. And all of us knew that you were good. She's not you Alison. She's evil. And you need to move and let us do the right thing.” Dad said.

“When is killing a child ever the right thing?” I asked him.
“There is a difference between an innocent child and an evil child.” Dad said.
“Oh is that you talking or Angelus?” I asked trying to make him angry at me.

“I used my power to hurt people after Connor died.” I added.

“There was a reason you did that. You had a moment of insanity and you made a mistake. That's different then constantly using your powers to hurt people because your evil.” Dad said.

“Mama I can't use my powers on the blue haired one. She is too strong.” Makayla whined behind me.

I glanced back at her realizing that she had been trying use her powers on Ava.

There was a moment of curiosity where I wondered why her powers didn't work on Ava. Then I realized Ava must be more powerful then Makayla.

Then I realized what that meant. She couldn't protect herself if I did step aside. Ava would kill her.

Ava and I were matched when it came to who was more powerful.

“I'm sorry.” I said then I raised my left hand and clenched my fist and Ava gasped as I was now squeezing her heart. She closed her eyes going down on her knees.

“Alison stop!” Dad shouted.

Tears filled my eyes because I was hurting her. But I was trying to make a point. Just because I never used my powers to hurt them didn't mean that I couldn't.

Connor surprised me by tackling me to the floor and I saw Makayla back up surprised. Her eyes widened and I saw my father move to attack her he had grabbed a sword from off the wall and she dodged each strike.

Connor's weight was stopping me from being able to get up and even though I struggled I had lost my concentration and now Ava was on her feet again “NO!” I screamed knowing that Ava would kill her.

I punched Connor which shocked him and then he punched me back. Which shocked me.

I bucked using my strength to flip him over and onto his back. I got up and watched as Ava lifted Makayla into the air while she clutched at her throat. Ava was cutting off her air supply. She would suffocate.

Connor tackled me again this time I was trapped on my stomach. I struggled more and then looked over at Ava and then up at Makayla. She didn't have much time left.

I looked back at Ava. Garret had wondered down to see what was happening. A look of shock crossed his face but then he went to stand near my father.

My heart screamed as I made my choice. There was only one way to stop Ava. To give me more time to get Makayla out of here.

I looked over at Garret and set his shoes on fire. He yelped panicking like crazy. Dad moved fast putting an arm around Garret and hauling him out of his shoes. Ava had loosened her hold to look over and make sure Garret was alright.

“Ava stop! Or next it won't be his shoes I set on fire!” I screamed still struggling and now everyone knew that it was me that had done it.

Connor wasn't holding me down anymore after that. I got up and shoved him away. He looked hurt and torn.

My attention was back on Ava now. “Ava back off!” I yelled I moved fast and now I had Garret in the air I could easily cut off his air the same way Ava was doing to Makayla.

Ava dropped Makayla and a moment later I guided Garret safely to the ground.

My father glared and growled at me warningly “Your about to cross a line.” My father said.

I knew what that meant.

“You wouldn't stand aside and let someone kill me. I'm not going to let you hurt my child.” I said.

“And I'm not going to let that thing hurt mine!” Dad growled back.

Ava moved and it was too fast for me to defend against. She ran and jumped kicking me in my chest forcing me to fly and land hard against the wall I collided hard and then landed on my side.

My back really hurt!!

“Ava!” Connor yelled then ran over to me. I could barely move.

“Ava kill it while you still can.” Dad said now going over to me and lifting me up into his arms.

I couldn't move. I felt like I was paralyzed.

Makayla used her powers to fling Ava across the room.
Then she formed fire in her hand I saw Illyria now by Ava helping her up and protectively placing her behind her.

But Makayla didn't throw Fire at Ava. She threw it at Connor. And my heart screamed. “NO!!” I used my powers to stop the ball of Fire and then before I even realized what I was doing I had flung it back at Makayla and she screamed as she began to burn and I cried and turned my face into my father's shoulder not wanting to watch my child burn. I must have cried myself to sleep after that.

End of APOV

Makayla burned and the flames went high and then when the flames disappeared there was nothing left. Not even a body. There were different feelings all around the room. Half of them felt sorry for Ali and the other half were angry and thinking that Ali had lost it!!

She had threatened to kill Garret to protect her Evil child! That angered Ava. Ali had used her brother against her. She hadn't kicked Ali because of what she did to Garret though. She had kicked her to get her out of the way so that she could destroy the evil child. But the child had surprised her and then tried to kill Connor. Again!! Ali had done the right thing in the end. She had protected Connor by killing her child. But Ava had a feeling that it wasn't over.

No..She thought to herself. …..This was just the beginning. That thing would be back. To destroy Connor. One last time. It was the father's flames that had consumed the child. Bringing her back to him so that he could heal her. And Ava knew that because that's what her own mother would have done to her. The child couldn't destroy Ava. But then again....She wasn't after Ava. She was after Connor.

And Ava had just figured out why.

Connor was the most important thing in Alison's heart. He was her twin. Makayla wanted to destroy Connor so that she could take his place in Alison's heart. Alison would do anything for Connor.
And Makayla was no fool. With Alison's power on her side she could do anything she wanted. And no one could stop her.

But there was one thing Makayla wasn't counting on that even Ava knew about.

Looks like Makayla's last days would be spent learning one lesson.

There's nothing stronger then the bond of Twins.


Next Time: Makayla is back again!! And again she tries to take Connor's life.......But will Alison stand aside and let Ava destroy Makayla? Or will this last attempt on Connor's life cause Alison to see the truth. Also the three fates make an appearance.   

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