My name is Alison and I am the daughter of Angel and Darla. I live in an AU where Darla had twins. So it's me and my twin brother Connor. Also Darla kept her soul and was able to live after having me. I also possess several powers. Telekinesis, I am a fire starter, I can blow things up by flicking my hand. And though I'm not a witch I am good at casting spells.
if you want more of my story then read it here: This is the first part of it.
This is the second part of it:
and this is the last part of it:
I will also post all aspects of my story on here.
First and probably most important is my brother Connor.
Connor is my twin brother. He is a lot like our father. Hard headed and stubborn. He doesn't know how to give up on anything. He is selfless like our father. Always fighting to help the helpless. Who would have thought that one day there greatest enemy would be me? I certainly didn't. The toughest battle ever to take place was when they fought with me. But I am getting ahead of myself here.
These are my parents. Angel and Darla. They are vampires and lovers. My mother was blessed after having us. She was granted a soul. My father is a champion.
There are others too but we'll get into them later. For now I must go.
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